Category Archives: My life


I suck at them 😉 Always think I’ve got nothing to say. Still do, actually.

Anyhow. Lately I’ve not been so hooked on WoW. Instead I’ve developed an anime addiction. Watching lots of new series. Gotta love it 😉

Bought a new TV a while back. They had this discount thing at Mediamarkt, and my TV was having serious picture problems, a green area, quite annoying. So, even though I was facing some problems at work, I went to see if I could find something reasonably cheap. And I did! Got to choose between a LG screen and a Philips. The Philips screen was a little bit more expensive, but muuuuch better. About the cheapest LCD TV Philips sells, the 32PFL5322, a 32″ LCD screen. It’s not Full HD, “only” HD Ready, but that’s good enough for me. 720p HD video still looks amazing.

Next: work. Been working at Unet BV for a while now. But, the end of my contract is getting near and I was told there would be no more work for me. Shame, I really like it here. had a job interview somewhere, but they didn’t follow up after that, so that’s a no, I guess. But, few weeks ago, my boss told me they might start up the videoconferencing thing I’ve done when I started at Unet again. If I was interesting in the job…. Sure! But… only if they can give me some certainties soon. Don’t want to end up on the street without a job cause they keep me waiting and everything bounces in the end. Well, they understood, so… I should get my answer today. I have heard some unofficial news, but that’s just that: unofficial. I want to hear it for real dammit!

But, if they do offer me a new contract, I’ll be searching for a new house soon. Want out of the place I live in now. Sick of the sharing, when I end up being the only one who cleans anything. Just want my own place, without having to worry who I might walk into when I get out of the shower, for example. And, if I get a new contract, it’ll be driving lessons asap! I want that license! (But… I don’t wanna learn… as always ;))

Oh, and I got myself a new phone! An MDA Touch, from T-Mobile.

Had plenty of issues with the damn thing. First, I update the firmware to a custom one. Can’t go wrong! Well, apparently my phone had some bug, and it went wrong. Usually I would have lost my warranty, but still they fixed it without me having to pay for it. But, they screwed up. I got back an old model of the Touch. So, back for repairs again. They gave me a brand new one. haven’t updated my firmware to a custom one again though 😉 Did customize it myself, but nothing that can’t be removed!

Well, that’s about it for today.

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Terrible weekend…

Suckiest weekend in a long time.

Woke up saterday morning with a migraine. Had to stay in bed till early in the afternoon. After that, spent all day on the couch, watching Naruto. Too much of a headache to play WoW, or even watch the screen. That pretty much sucked like hell. Wanted to do Black Morass, but when I finally felt good enough to play, at about 21:00, half the guild was already there. Seems to happen to me all the time. When I want to go somewhere, people are already there. And then they don’t want to go there for a couple of days. Great.

Sunday, Mechanar. Lousy run. Annoying group. Know-it-alls who didn’t know all that much. Wipes. And the 1 item I went for, didn’t drop. Nah, can’t say I have a lot of luck… ever. And I really really don’t like Mecha (or Bota for that matter), I really don’t want to go there again, but I need that drop, but I’m not interested in going futher then the first boss. No chance on that happening though, I’ll have to go all the way and it will probably take me months to get that drop. I’ll never be able to find a group to just help me.

Then, at 18:00 or something, I was asked to go to Shadow Labs. Didn’t feel like it, but went anyway. Did say I wouldn’t stay longer then 2 hours, since I was hungry. 3 hours later, we were still in there, at the third boss. Terrible group. Nothing worked. My tanking sucked, all the CC sucked, healing wasn’t enough… just everything sucked. And since I hadn’t eaten much all day, I wanted to leave. So I got bitched at for “leaving when at one wipe”. WTF? More like 10 wipes, we had been there for over 3 hours. I said I wouldn’t stay that long in the first place, so take someone else to start with if you don’t like that! For gods sake, I keep doing other people favors and I keep getting bitched at.

I’m seriously losing interest in playing WoW. I love WoW, but I’m starting to dislike the community. Maybe it’s just this server, but it’s just a pain. I want to play for my own fun, but that’s impossible without other people. And somehow other people manage to get help in their selfishness and I always end up helping others and not getting any help myself. It sucks. And I’m sick of it.

Sort of not single anymore?

This evening goes somewhere in the top regions of my “Weirdest evenings” list.

My ex, Jantien, came by. To talk. I really didn’t understand why, she’s been acting like a total bitch since she dumped me. Saying nasty things about me, not keeping promises and not letting me know about it. That sort of thing. I agreed with her coming by mostly cause I wanted my camera back. (And she still has my Matrix dvd!)

So, I picked her up at the train station, her train was right on time and I was a minute late, as always. (It was that or running to the station with warm wet pants…) So, we walked away from the station. “Are you hungry, or do you want to go to V&D first?” she asked. Not hungry… I felt horrible. Confused. Weird. Hurt. Lonely. I felt so strange seeing her (well, I actually avoided looking at her) and hearing her voice… So, into town, in and out of some stores… and to my place, cause we got kinda hungry. And of course, once we got home, I really didn’t want to cook. So, we talked. And after a while she got really hungry. KFC? KFC! Put on our shoes, went to the door… and it was raining cats and dogs. Soooo…. I’d better start cooking huh? 😛 So… dinner was great. I’m a hell of a chef, when I’m having a good day 😉 No, I’m not, but I’m not bad in the kitchen. Dinner. CSI New York. Talking. A kiss. A very strange sensation. It’s been 5 weeks… and I was determined to be mad at her. And I was. But I couldn’t let it out. I just couldn’t. I was too busy missing her, I suppose.

I’m really having a hard time describing what happened. When she hugged me, I felt strange, but I liked it. A lot. When she kissed me, I was overwhelmed. It’s so weird. But I loved it. And I felt how much I missed it. Her. Her softness. The look in her eyes. The feeling it gives me. She said she’d been making a lot of mistakes the last couple of weeks. The biggest being letting me go, 5 weeks ago. At first I didn’t know what to believe. “Why would I be here, if it weren’t true?” Good question, I didn’t know why else. But I still wasn’t sure. How could I be? The last 5 weeks she’s been a complete stranger to me. A totally different girl, not the one I loved. And now she suddenly changed back? Why would that be? And if it’s true, what assurance would I have it wouldn’t happen again? “Cause now I know what I’d miss” Again, good response… but on the other hand, she wanted freedom. If she loses that again, she’ll again know what she misses. Freedom. Why would that not change things, again? Well, cause she thinks she should have both. She should be able to have fun with her friends AND have a boyfriend. Very true… but the same goes for me. Yeah… she kinda knew that. Well, not even kinda. She realized she had to change things if she wants this to work.

But still. It feels so weird. I can’t wrap my mind around it. So very strange, feeling her lips and her hands again. So right and yet so… strange. And letting her go to her train, that might have been the strangest thing. So… double. Not wanting to let her go. And yet a little voice screaming in the back of my head “Go! Go away! Let me think!”. But that’s the sort of voice you just cannot and will not listen to. So… I let my girlfriend walk up the stairs to her train… while I wanted nothing more than waking up next to her. And that’s pretty much the last thing I expected to happen this evening.

So, what’s up lately?

Weet niet zeker of ik dit nu in het Nederlands of in het Engels moet schrijven. Why? Read on.

Sinds enige tijd heb ik veel contact met een Engels meisje. In een korte tijd redelijk bevriend geraakt, voor zover dat kan natuurlijk via MSN. Nu kreeg ik afgelopen woensdag morgen eeen mailtje van haar, althans, haar adres. Het bleek van haar beste vriend afkomstig te zijn, die haar vrienden uit dr MSN gescharreld had om hun te vertellen dat Lizz een poging gedaan had zichzelf van haar leven te beroven. De zelfmoordpoging was zwaar maar niet succesvol. Lizz lag in het ziekenhuis in redelijk kritieke toestand.

Continue reading So, what’s up lately?

Terug uit la France!

Drie en een halve week in het (lang niet altijd) zonnige Frankrijk! Het wil ook wel eens verdomd hard regenen namelijk. Dan krijg je een natte boel! Maar Jantien en ik hebben ons uitstekend vermaakt! Mooie natuur (met zo nu en dan een mooie dame er in) alhoewel mooie natuur niet altijd licht hoeft te zijn… Nu moet ik even mijn excuses aanbieden, ik heb niet braaf overal mijn camera mee naartoe gesleept. Zo vond ik het toen we gingen kanoen geen slim idee, hoe graag ik ook foto’s had gemaakt. En in de Gouffre de Padirac heb ik ‘m ook niet meegenomen, mijn camera is een ramp in het donker en de mooiste stukken mag je niet flitsen.

Wel hebben wel veel rond de tafeltennistafel gerend… Ook mijn moeder en zusje kunnen zich daar mee vermaken, blijkbaar 😉 En als Jantien zich dan verveelt omdat mijn moeder en zusje willen tafeltennissen, dan maakt ze foto’s van dit soort dingen of van mij

En dan de honden… op schoot past eigenlijk niet, hoe graag ze het ook willen. We hebben dus Teddy, Grizzly en Beertje. Teddy is een hypo-pyro-imbo hondje. Druk, dom en gek op vuur. Beertje is een echt wijf, met verwijfde pootjes en al. En Grizzly, da’s een echte hond. Nouja… hondser dan broertje en Beertje.

En later als ik groot ben, wil ik ook een serre! En ja, ik lijk sprekend op me pa. Maar no way dat ik zo’n snor neem… nooit!

Dan zijn we de laatste dag nog naar Rocamadour geweest. Schitterende ligging, dorpje op de rotsen, bedevaartsoort. Vrij bekend… Eerst een lange wandeling van L’Hospitalet naar Rocamadour zelf. Uiteindelijke doel is bovenaan… Moet je eerst een trapje op naar het heiligdom. En ook in Frankrijk hebben ze een eigen zwaard in de steen legende… Alleen hier heet het niet Excalibur, maar Durandal. En ja, hij is nep. Oh, laten we vooral de wereldberoemde Zwarte Madonna niet vergeten. Als het ergens zo donker is en je niet mag flitsen, dan kan je alles wel zwart krijgen ja! Had ik al iets gezegd over een mooi uitzicht? Hierna komt de bedevaartsroute langs 14 statiebeelden, allemaal heel boeiend… nouja, niet zo eigenlijk. Geen foto’s van. En dan kom je boven… Eerst een slokje drinken boven, dan naar de Rocher des Aigles. Een onderzoeksinstelling dat rond komt van het toelaten van toeristen die vogeltjes komen kijken, met een erg spectaculaire show. Van lelijke grote vogels tot vreemde vogels (en een valkje op dr hoofd!). Ooit een vogel een ei zien openmaken? Niet zoals dit! Dit gekke beest pakt stenen op en smijt ze op het ei, tot ie barst. Meneer de valkenier (of hoe je ze ook moet noemen) moest wel eerst een wat grotere steen aangeven, met kleine kiezels wilde het niet lukken… Nieuw dit jaar waren deze vrolijke kleuren… Ara’s, kakketoes, Amazones, grijze roodstaartjes… Erg leuke beestjes… Deze jongen hier wilde alleen de kooi nog niet in, die had nog honger 😉

Verder zijn er nog wel meer foto’s, in mijn Gallery te vinden. Ook zijn er nog wat meer vogelplaatjes

En toch is het weer fijn om in m’n eigen bed te slapen!
Ookal is het hier takkeweer 🙁