Category Archives: My life

Living together

So, basically my life got flipped, turned upside down, the last couple of weeks.

Not exactly as planned, but my girlfriend moved in with me! Yeah baby! 😉 So, the past 2 weeks my flat has been packed with stacks of boxes. The stacks have been getting smaller and smaller every day, thank god!

It still needs a lot of getting used to, but… I love it. I love her. Yeap, we made a good call 🙂

Quite the week…

So. Some week it was.

Last thursday, I noticed one of the legs of my glasses were, well… nearly broken. The metal felt like it was made of solder. Could be bended easily. Obvious sign of fatigue. Later that morning it became even worse. So, after lunch, on my way to the opticien. I was right: fatigue. So, my eyes were measured, since the glasses were kinda old already. Ordered new glasses… 210 euros. Damn. That’s with discount! asn’t even out of the store or the leg of my glasses broke. Luckily I still have an old pair of glasses, so at least I can still see. But 2010 euros, I needed that money!

And how long does it take to get a pair of new glasses? 3 weeks! The glass factory is having some troubles… dammit.

Later that afternoon, after firing up the BBQ… I burnt my finger. Great day! Pure awesomeness!

Thank God the weekend was good. Boring, but good. spent most of my time sitting outside, feeling dizzy from the heat. So, another week of sitting indoors and watching the awesome weather outside.

Episode 8953?


So, I got invited for a house viewing. I got 3rd place in an appartment, top 5 was invited. In the end, only the numbers 1 and 3 showed up. Was kind of a nice place. But, number 1 wanted it too. So, even though I got close, still no new home for me.

And I really want to get out of there. Some strange things are happening, stories change every day… I’ve had it. I want a place of my own and most of all: security. So, next week I’ll know if I get invited to view another appartment.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

As if it’s not enough already…

My bunny just died. In my hands. She hadn’t been eating much last couple of days, but we thought it was the change of scenery and the dogs and those kind of things. Turns a lot of dropping were stuck on her behind, she’s had some diarrhea last week. So, I tried to clean it up. With my mom was there, we were going to try to wash it off. But it was stuck so bad, I had to try and pull it off.

She was acting funny, we thought she was scared and had trouble with the slippery floors. We were wrong. Se was dying, right there, in my hands. She lay down funny, shocked a bit… and she was gone.

Even though she was a bunny, a little, headstrong bunny… she has always been there for 5 years. Every day. And silly as she was, she always made me laugh. She did the weirdest things. And now, she’ll never do anything again.

Seriously… why? My life is a mess and there’s nothing I can do about it. My housing problems just won’t go away, even after I’ve moved…and now Fiepje dies. Why?!