As if it’s not enough already…

My bunny just died. In my hands. She hadn’t been eating much last couple of days, but we thought it was the change of scenery and the dogs and those kind of things. Turns a lot of dropping were stuck on her behind, she’s had some diarrhea last week. So, I tried to clean it up. With my mom was there, we were going to try to wash it off. But it was stuck so bad, I had to try and pull it off.

She was acting funny, we thought she was scared and had trouble with the slippery floors. We were wrong. Se was dying, right there, in my hands. She lay down funny, shocked a bit… and she was gone.

Even though she was a bunny, a little, headstrong bunny… she has always been there for 5 years. Every day. And silly as she was, she always made me laugh. She did the weirdest things. And now, she’ll never do anything again.

Seriously… why? My life is a mess and there’s nothing I can do about it. My housing problems just won’t go away, even after I’ve moved…and now Fiepje dies. Why?!

I’m no fan…

…but that John Lennon guy wasn’t stupid.

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

It’s true. Plain and simple.

Oh, and this Charlie Brown quote made me laugh:

“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.”

A crazy little thing called life…

Life. Must be one of the strangest and most unpredictable things ever.

Even when life is the most boring and mindnumbing thing you can imagine, the same routine every single day… something will pop up and bite you in the a… errr, your behind. The same thing over and over, work, eat, sleep, 5 times in a row, 2 days of nothing at all and then the whole thing starts over. But all of a sudden, something that doesn’t quite fit happens. Or something that just isn’t supposed to happen at all.

But not for me. Nothing ever really happens. Work, 8 hours, day in, day out. Busride. Watching series, movies, or what not. Sitting in front of my PC, doing nothing really. Dinner. Sleeping. Breakfast. Busride. Etcetera. Ok, so there’s the occasional birthday, drinks with friends, but nothing really happens.

Or so I thought.

But no, even for me unexpected things happen. The past comes back to haunt me. A past I thought I would never hear from again. A past I was glad to have escaped from. But now, that past wants to become the present again. The future even. Why?! I just want closure… The most uncertain future I’ve ever had has finally become the past, I just want a lid on it and have it buried.

Oh, right. There’s also the ever-continuing soap around my livingspace. After me having to find a new place withing a month, it now turns out I rent my room illegally. Everything is fine, all the rules and laws are followed, except for 1 tiny thing: it’s not in the zoning (or so Google translates “bestemmingsplan”) of the city I live in. That’s being changed, but till then… I’ve got to go. To be continued… but it is some kind of “excitement” I guess…


Amazing how much spam I get on a blog that barely anyone reads… I mean, what’s the point? Too bad the spam filter doesn’t consider some people’s spam to be spam. Too bad, I do.